the Mattachine Society, Inc.) The Review, however, is as much entitled to its growing pains, as is the Society itself. There is no doubt that it will continue to grow and evolve into an even more effective instrument of its original purpose.

At this meeting in 1955 it was discussed by the Research Director, and concurred in by professional researchers present, that the Mattachine Society could not itself pursue a line of research, but rather would have to make itself available to professional research organizations and individuals who in turn profit from the Society's, and its membership's, availability.


The Public Relations Director discussed the advisability of the Society's making available lecturers and tape recorded discussions for general use by all public agencies and organizations to further the aims and purposes of the Society. Both of these proposals are still as applicabie tɔday as they were then, and represent an attitude which definitely would be helpful to the Society.

The third annual convention of the Mattachine Society, Inc. was held May 12-13, 1956, in San Francisco.

Quite a little progress had been noted over that of the previous year, but all was not casy. noted over that of the previous year.

The Chicago area which hac been most active the year before was now practically dormant. It had run the usual cycle from feverish interest to great plans, to rather large membership, to a peak of "Where do we go from


here?" and then complete loss of

interest. This was nothing new. It was but the replaying of the role which all areas of the organization have gone through in the past and I dare say will continue to go through in the future. Again, these are the growing pains which an organization such as ours must suffer. However, it seems that a few have the persistence and dedication to stick to it and weather the storm, salvaging something of the ship afterward. Such is the case in Chicago, for once more the Chicago area is operating. Slowly to be sure. But sanely realizing its limitations and wo:king on a long term rather than a "now or never" basis.

This is a common fault, not only of a wnole area but of each individual member of our oranization. We come to the Society as a new member with the idea of "How much can the Mattachine Society do for me here and now? After all, my probleïn is paramount. I want my $10.00 worth of aid, enlightenment, încouragement and help." Unfortunately, that is not what the Mattachine Society was organized for nor can it give this kind of aid to its individual members. These individual members must make up a whole unit of interested persons which, in turn, may be able to work-as a unitfor a better understanding of "the problem," which in turn is in reality innumerable problems all thrown together under the one term, Homosexuality, bul often, it would seem, without a common base. The members of the Mattachine Society cannot and do not come together on a

mattachine REVIEW

common ground with a common interest or problems. Its members must learn to work together as individuals, in a field of education and enlightenment which goes beyond the individual and reaches out to many groups and persons who find themselves confronted with this symptom called Homosexuality.

But, to get back to the convention of 1956, new interest had been shown in New York City. A group had formed there and applied for chapter status. This was given by the convention and the results of this dynamic group are in evidence today. They are in that feverish phase of the cycle I mentioned previously. We hope that they will prove to be the exception to the rule, and continue to grow with only minor krocks and tumbles in their growing period. Perhaps they can profit at least to some extent from the errors which others have made.

This then brings us to the present.

The past year has been a hectic period indeed for the organization, with the headquarters of the Society being moved to San Francisco from Los Angeles in January of this year. S»ne members of the Board of Directors have resigned for one reason or another. The load of the work of the organization has been left on the shoulders of a few. But, as it is said in show business, "the show must go on." And on it goes. It is hoped that out of this convention a working cooperation of of individuals will come forth to transcend personalities and work as a unit for the betterment of the Matta-

chine Society.

As to the future of the Society -what can it expect to accomplish and how can it go about it? There is a little formula I would like to give you, which I believe pretty well sums it up. This is the formula of the four "F's."

To begin with we have Faith. That is a very small word but it means a great deal. Just what is faith? Does anyone here know a definition of Faith? What does faith mean to you? There are many excellent definitions af faith but it is believed that one of the best may be found in the Oxford dictionary-"The duty of fulfilling one's trust. The obligation of promise or engagement. Then also faith is aptly described by J.M. Barrie in his "The Little White Bird".—"The reason why birds can fly and we cannot is simply that they have perfect faith. For to have faith is to have wings."

Now we might ask how faith can help us with our work in


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